Indian Matchmaking Season 2 Review: Watch It If You Can Compromise On Your Time By 60-70%

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This is just one of those shows. Love it. Hate it. But you cannot ignore it. Last week I was unwell, and was forced to switch on Netflix for entertainment.  I had no idea this show was back with a second season.  So seeing Seema Aunty was a pleasant surprise!  I have blogged about season one – link.

I had fever and nothing better to do, so ended up binge watching it. I usually roast such shows. But since this one has real people, I would probably like to refrain from it.

But on second thoughts, the show must be scripted anyway, and they are getting paid for this.  Why should I treat it differently from any other show.

So here it goes, character wise. I am going to give them a thumbs up or a thumbs down!

Sima Taparia from Mumbai

Sima Aunty looked different, maybe a haircut. Her trademark yellow suit was there of course. In some of her appearances outside India her hair and outfits were more stylish. Of course, Sima Aunty’s dressing or hair is the least entertaining aspect about her, as her thoughts are far more entertaining. I don’t know why every publication is saying that she asks  only women to compromise on their checklist – 60 to 70% hi milega,! Why can’t women choose , misogyny blah blah blah!! She has been saying the same thing to men also! She wants people to match that’s it. That’s her job so obviously she does ask men to cut down on their checklist too.

And yes, it is the truth. You CANNOT get 100 percent of your checklist. And no checklist, compatibility, feelings, attraction, will save you. You both should be able to tolerate each other, that’s it. This checklist will go in the dustbin within the first year.

Sima ji is the jaan of this show so obviously she gets a thumbs up! Her one liners are the best!


She was a disappointment in this season.  She is “grieving” for the loss of not having a husband and children? She is envious of her friends in the suburbs with three children? I mean yes, it is natural to feel lonely and want companionship. But grieving etc that was just too coming from a woman who is so successful and independent.  She was witty and funny in the last season, but this season, big thumbs down! Another character Shital also saying things like it will be the worst thing if she ends up not getting married.

Not cool, ladies!! And people blame Sima Aunty for being regressive!


She was very cute in Season 1, and everybody felt bad for her because she got ghosted.  In this season she dumps Shekhar for a young guy, Vishal who then dumps her! People have been calling her a villain. But really that is just how dating works. It is tricky. It is painful. But that is what it is. People get dumped all the time when someone finds someone better! I am not judging her for that. Feelings, attraction is addictive and she went by that.

However, the way she dumped Shekhar by blaming him for it, that was totally graceless.  She told him that HE did not give her the signals or something like that, that too after he has seen her making out with Vishal. That was so lame! Of course, I felt bad for Shekhar ( he is a thumbs up) and like most evil people watching the show I enjoyed the poetic justice when Vishal dumped her!!

Viral (Female Viral)

Interesting new character. Thinks too highly of herself. She wore very casual clothes for meeting guys for the first time, and usually around some activity. I found that refreshing. There is a scene in which a guy asks her if she is vegetarian. how she dodges the question was too annoying!! I think she found someone at the end or was it Sheetal? I don’t remember… That is what happens when you watch a show with fever.  I may have fallen asleep in between.

Giving her a thumbs down.  No specific reason. Just like the people on the show reject good people based on some random feelings.

Guy from Nasik

His mom thinks he is the most eligible bachelor. Unfortunately,  the list ends there. No girl wants to move to Nasik and this guy has to live there because of his family business which has something to do with chicks and equipment and temperature control??

Why can’t he marry a girl from Nasik though? I did not understand.

This man and his family are so entitled that they think any woman should come and live with them and “support” their business! Why??? Why should she care about your stupid business! Your business is your business! None of her business. Do you even care about the interests of the girl who would leave her city life, her friends, her career to move with you?  She should happily leave everything for you, your family and your chicks and their temperature and equipment!!

Big thumbs down!

Man from Miami

This guy also thinks too highly of himself. He met a  girl who he rejected because he did not find her attractive and later got dumbed by a good-looking girl he liked.


He loves his mom’s pakodas and if he continues like this, I am sure he will get those pakodas all his life! He has a big family and he was all about family values and shit, until he met a girl he didn’t find hot, and his family found her nice, and then took a stand saying, “This is my decision.” How convenient.  He is a perfect example of hypocrite men.  I have already dedicated an article to such men – Link  

First of all think they are Greek Gods when they are at best average. These Momma and Bhabhi lovers are very annoying and no girl wants to listen to you idolizing your Mom and Bhabhi.  The Bhabhi said he should marry someone they like!

He reminded me of a guy who I had met for an arranged marriage in my 20s. The half an hour we had spoken on the phone, he went on an on about his Bhabhi and how great she is.  I asked him if his Bhaiya Bhabhi will come to meet me with him , and he had said no.

And when I had met him, his Bhabhi had sneakily come to the café and was siting in a table across from ours where she could take a nice look at me. I recognized her because I had looked the guy up on Facebook and of course there were so many Bhabhi pics!!

Big thumbs down, overgrown manbaby!!

BTW did this guy’s brother actually say that he thought his Sindhi wife was white when he had met her?  What’s wrong with his eyes? Or was it me hallucinating from the medicines?


I am glad he got married. Not because I care about his happiness, but at least he wont be there in Season 3!! His wife said that she connects with “everyone”!! Good luck, Pradyuman.

Arshneel and Rinkle

This couple went on a date ice skating. And they were so cute together. The girl kept falling down. Arshneel seems like a genuine guy. And Rinkle was also being herself. They should get an award for being the least annoying people on the show.

Thumbs up!

The not so young couples in the beginning of each episode

They show us couples in the beginning of each episode. People married for a couple of decades who had met each other before marriage only for few minutes. They are all cute, happy and look very much in love. They want to show us how happy these couples are together, products of arranged marriages.

These chubby, fluffy, smiling old people are cute, thank you.  But this is what they don’t tell you:

That generation was different.

One, if it would not have been for marriage, they would probably have not had sex.  Of course they liked their marriage! At least in the beginning!

Two, women had no financial independence, so they stayed! They had nowhere to go.

And that is the determining factor here, not love or arranged marriage.


I found this show entertaining and funny. But I was heavy on medication and drowsy.  If you are watching in in your full senses, watch it at your own risk.










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