Monday morning started. The fact that Wednesday is a holiday gave me new zeal to rise and shine. My friends and I are always late to work on Mondays. I text on the group to check on them. They have missed the office cab. Every Monday this happens! But today will be a very busy day for me. Work deadlines. Story contest deadlines. All to be completed by end of day.
Yet the mind drifts off….
11 am.
I should write a book!
Maybe, I should take the GMAT and get out of India…
I should get married….
2 pm
Friend and I are having lunch. We both narrated our weekend. It was a fun weekend! It starts drizzling. We take a walk. Wednesday is a holiday. We remind each other. Just two days. Today is almost over, she said to me optimistically.
4 pm
I am not able to file a tax return. This is the problem. Nothing works here..
I should get out of India. Today I will complete the quantitative part of the GMAT book.
6 pm
Tax returns filed. I am happy with my work. I drive back home. Song on my pen drive from Pardes plays, ‘London dekha, Paris dekha aur dekha Japaan’.
I love my India. I will never leave India. ***** GMAT. I belong here.
9 pm
Story for the contest done. I reread my story proudly. It is a lovely story! I should win the contest.
Maybe someone will make a movie out of it! But first I should write a book…. Then maybe someone will notice me..
10 pm
Didn’t go to gym. Didn’t go for walk. Didn’t study anything. KBC time has changed. Missed half an hour. Don’t want to watch Bigg Boss but will put in on anyway. I am bored.
Maybe I should get married….
I should write a book!
All I need is an MBA!
I should travel somewhere solo….