The other day I was watching Dear Zindagi. Alia’s Bhatt’s mother in the movie kept running after her, asking her what she would like to eat. Alia is always annoyed with her parents (I don’t want to disclose the reasons for those of you who haven’t seen the movie). She gets irritated when her mother focuses so much of her energy on her eating preferences. Alia has stronger grudges against her parents, for which she probably does not forgive them.
Just a couple of days back, my mother had packed my tiffin box with fruits and salad. I got busy with work and brought back the food home, untouched. After dinner, my mother started eating the leftovers.
“How come you are eating the pomegranate, I thought you didn’t like it. Never seen you having it.” I asked.
“It’s not that I don’t like it, slicing the vegetables and fruits is a pain. I give it to you and your father, but don’t bother slicing for myself.” she replied.
There are small (big) things that our mothers do for us that we don’t care to notice. Sometimes it may be having the leftover rice for dinner because she is too tired after making rotis for the rest of us. Or maybe buying that dress that I was drooling at the mall, which was way out of her budget, by letting go of one of her essentials.
It’s their job, right?
We take whatever our parents do for us for granted and focus on what we believe they have not done right for us. The scene where Alia has an outburst with her family was effective and I feel people may be able to relate to it, for very different reasons.
Probably Alia’s mother was trying to show her love in whatever way she could (by cooking her favourite dishes), knowing that she may not have been there for her in the best way at some point earlier in life.
Shah Rukh tells Alia towards the end of the movie, to stop judging her parents by looking at them from the divine pedestal of parents, but rather as ordinary human beings. They are doing the best they can…
As we grow up, our parents continue to be there for us in whatever way they can. And we continue to take them for granted..
At the risk of sounding preachy, I would just like to say this, especially to those reading this who are younger than me:
Our parents deserve more respect that we give them. Love your parents!